Back blogging again...hahaha...just now went to P.S to watch priceless with serene leslie and val=)...that show is not bad worth watching...
I saw the arcade at P.S there is a new drum set game called Drum Mania V3 ....damn nice...too bad jp dun have or else i think i will be at the arcade almost everday(although i am at the arcade alomost everyday now also=X)...
i finally saw how YZ galfren looks like..cause just now i met him at jp and his galfren was at JP i tell YZ bring let me ya..YZ gonna fold 999 flowers for his galfren on her b' i just now acc him go buy the neccessary damn romantic sia,...LoL...chek chek
Tomolo going to watch Pirates with Val=) and its at P.S again...LoL...looking forward to tomolo actually its today alr cause its past 12 but hu cares...LoL...I needa catch lots of movies...esp Fantatic 4:Rise of the silver surfer that show gonna rock the house.....
K la blog till here le..bye!!